InExilE Faction
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Rules and Guidelines

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Rules and Guidelines

Post by Admin Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:58 am

Faction chat

1. Whenever possible pay attention to faction chat and respond when you can to a member’s question, even if you don’t know the answer, this way they don’t feel ignored. By the same token, however, have patience when awaiting a response, it is not always possible to respond immediately (surrounded by things that want to eat you (for example). If you don’t receive a response after a reasonable amount of time, repeat your question politely, it’s possible that it got missed.
2. Please use English; many of us do not speak another language.
3. If you are witness to an adult conversation (which tends to happen with us) that you find offensive, please speak up and state your discomfort. By the same token, if you are asked to stop an offensive conversation or topic, please do so.
4. Treat others with respect in the way that you speak to them. Think about what you are saying and the way you are saying it and how you would react to being spoken to in that manner. There is absolutely no excuse for deliberately being rude and disrespectful to another member in faction.
5. Please do not spam faction chat, either with trying to sell something, a boss you need, or even until you get someone to help you with whatever your issue may be. All you’re likely to receive for all your spamming in annoyance which is not going to further your cause.
6. Please refrain from using all caps, this is taken the same as shouting or yelling and considered to be quite rude.
7. Do not speak ill of people that have left the faction in chat, this is just rude and childish.

Scamming and Begging

1. Begging members for money, items, or to kill your mobs for you will not be tolerated and offenders will receive one and only one warning, a repeat offense will result in being kicked. Begging is the repeated asking for such things after being denied. As for killing your quest mobs for you (not bosses) this is frowned upon as the quests are designed for you to not only gain XP from completing the quests but also for the kills. So having someone kill them for you is hurting you in the long run, it is best to find others working on the same quest to party with.
2. Scamming is never tolerated and offenders will be kicked.


1. Be respectful and you will be treated as such.
2. Do not talk down to or about faction members in chat or to people outside of faction.
3. When we are at war and our opponents are trash talking us, please refrain from joining in, be the bigger person and rise above it.
4. Don’t KS faction members, we’re here to help each other, try partying together, it only benefits you both.
5. Unwanted sexual advances or flirting; we all joke around with each other and as this is a primarily adult faction, we also tend to harmlessly flirt with one another. If someone is made to feel uncomfortable with it and asks you to stop, please respect their wishes and do so. By the same token, if you feel uncomfortable with someone's advances and feel that it has escalated beyond the normal word play we exchange with each other daily, then speak up and politely ask them to stop. If they fail to do so and continue, please feel free to bring it up to any officer, we will be happy to try to rectify the situation.

Territory War and PvP

1. Territory war is optional but we welcome any that wish to participate, it is something different from the usual questing/grinding and you get the fun of killing people without being stuck in PvP mode for ten hours. TW is expensive and while when possible we may provide bronze charms for key members, we cannot provide them for everyone. Pre-war preparation is usually about one hour prior to war; the meeting place will be specified in advance. To make it easier to form squad and give out assignments and instructions, we ask that you stay with your class group until you have been placed in a squad. We further ask that you refrain from dueling until after you have been placed in a squad, it gets rather hectic trying to form squads when you can’t see who still needs one ‘cuz everyone is off dueling. Once you have been placed in a squad, you may be asked to relocate to a designated location.

2. PKing a fellow faction member will not be tolerated, we are a family and should be able to depend on each other to watch each other’s backs, not worry that our own members are out for our blood.


Under 60.......two levels a week level a week level every two weeks
81+..............You are fine long as we see you are active

Levels will be checked every Tuesday. Kicks will normally happen on Wednesdays. If for some reason you can not abide by these guidelines please let an officer know. Members that are kicked will be sent a message letting them know why they were kicked. If they want back in the officers will meet and decide. THESE GUIDELINES WILL BE INFORCED NO IF ANDS OR BUTS! If for some reason you will be afk or know you will busy and can’t level notify an officer. We are here to work with you.

Until you reach level 60 we ask that you do your best to achieve at least 2 levels per week, this is entirely possible with even the minimum amount of play time. If for some reason you are unable to meet this requirement, please speak to an officer and let us know what’s up. Also please let us know if you will not be in-game for an extended period of time, no level increase or an absence for three weeks without prior notice will result in your being kicked.

Loot in FBs

1. An unspoken rule in the game is that whoever holds the tabs gets any 3star items and molds. As not all are aware of this understanding you must vocalize this to your party before you start, especially if you are going with people outside of faction. It is best to bring your own wines along for those FBs that require wine, if the party you are going with (especially out of faction) provides the wines, it is your responsibility to discuss drops before you start.
2. Out of courtesy, if you are with faction members using your tabs and you receive a mold that you have no use for but a party member may benefit from it, offer it to them, this is not mandatory merely a suggestion, but the favor may be returned to you at a later time.

Donations and Contributions

1. We have several banks that store different items such as; DQ, mats, apo, armor, TT and TW. We are always in need of items for quests, to raise production skills, make TT weapons, and pass down armor and weapons that you may have outgrown. We ask that anything that you borrow from the banks be returned. For example, if you require 10 element essence for the quest and we provide that for you, when you get 10 from mobs at a later level you return them, more if you so choose. Another example would be equips, if say we lend you a weapon or chest piece, when you receive better armor or weapon you return the lent equips to the bank so that another may benefit from it.
2. We’ve had an amazing amount of quest equips donated, while we appreciate the donation, we simply do not have the room to store such items and everyone will eventually receive the item upon completion of the quest.
3. Monetary contributions, at current go to the banking personel who are the treasurers; the suggested contribution is 20k a week per character in faction. This is not mandatory and you will not be kicked for failure to send money, things such as mats, DQ, etc…also count toward this contribution. The upkeep and improvement of faction and for the faction’s future endeavors.
4. All contributions no matter whether it is money, mats, arrows, or whatever are documented. We have an accounting of what comes in and what goes out.

Bosses and FBs Days

1. Most Weekdays have been set aside for accomplishing the deaths of all of the nasty bosses. It is not mandatory that you wait until then, if you are able to find a party to get it done without driving everyone in faction insane about it due to lack of patience on your part, then by all means go for it. There also may be times when the higher levels are bored and will happily go kill it for you, but kindly do not badger them about it. Also if a real life obligation keeps you from being able to log on for boss day, speak with an officer and make us aware of your situation, we will happily make other arrangements for you.
2. FBs are usually done any nominated day, but I’m sure that you’ll find people that are more than willing to do it whenever the necessary party members are on.
3. FBs are designed to have 6 people of the dungeon’s level be able to complete them, so it is not necessary to have a level 80 tank at an FB51 when a tank closer to that level is available. Now there are times when a higher level will go do a lower level FB simply to have fun, or for the small amount of XP they would get, but please don’t expect it.

Leaders and Officers

The leaders and officers are here to help out of the goodness of their hearts; they do not receive payment of any kind other than a “thanks”. So please treat them with respect and do not abuse them or expect them to solve every tiny little problem you may have. If one of them should make a decision about something don’t do the whole “well mom said no, so I’ll go to dad thing”. These people were chosen for these positions because they have proven to be helpful, active, and trustworthy.
Be self reliant, try to find out stuff on your own before badgering people to death. They are not your own personal information booths, we are of course happy to help you with stuff but we are not going to do everything for you and hold your hand through it all.

Other Stuff

1. Joining and Leaving guild. We are happy to welcome new members into our family if they meet the required entry levels. Also, in the event that you should leave faction for whatever reason, there will be a one chance, and ONE CHANCE ONLY, policy. No revolving doors are available in this faction.

2. Please use the name of the character in faction for your forum registration name; this helps us to know who you are. If you use another name that does not match up with faction roster it is very likely you will be deleted from the member list in forum.

3. Censorship-eewwww! We do not censor people as long as they are not hurting others. We want you to be yourself and speak however you chose, we are comprised of mature (for the most part…j/k) adults and teens. So please feel free to use whatever words you wish, we just ask that use common sense, if you know that using a particular word is going to be offensive, chose another.


Posts : 25
Join date : 2009-07-02
Age : 111
Location : Australia

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Dawnetta Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:01 pm

Could everyone plz read this and reply so we know you read it? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thx!

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by MrFleaBag Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:54 pm

I've already read, so signing off for Herb 8>)

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Flameball Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:12 pm

Understood and signed....

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Join date : 2009-07-03

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Foxy_Kinks Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:04 pm

Dru and I have both read these........

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Jamri Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:18 am

It's all good. Very Happy

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by sanchary Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:45 pm

Okies from me n tariq Smile


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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Altheora Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:43 am


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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Bella Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:37 am

-big thumbs up-

I've read it twice noa .__.

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by WidowDee Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:36 pm

Good info, good guidelines. nnnnnnnn If everyone goes by these, the game and the faction will always be a great place to be.

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Guest Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:42 pm

Okay, I've read these...


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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by SirArchAlot Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:17 pm

Sounds Great to me Very Happy

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by GreenCricket Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:21 am

Gotcha! These are sound principles to go by!


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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by ShaySmooth Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:24 am

Rules and Guidelines 11-12-08_1107

I have read it. Thanx!

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Thana Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:40 am

Good Stuff

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Rules and Guidelines Empty Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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